Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Our Service

  • Do I need to make an appointment?

    Yes. We are by appointment only and don't take walk in bookings. You will need to  make an online booking. Please refrain from coming into the salon to make a booking as our trading hours may vary . We also want to avoid all unexpected walk ins during COVID19 outbreak. Interruptions take away valuable time from the dogs we are grooming that have booked out our time.  Unfortunately we are unable to accept bookings by email.

  • How long will it take?

    A full clip will normally take approximately 3 hours for a small dog.  Larger breeds taking much longer. Especially if the dog has excessive undercoat, is matted, has not been groomed regularly, has any behavioural issues) . We aim to keep within these time frames. However the time required  varies depending on; what the dog is having done, the length and complexity of the clip, the temperament of the dog, it's general health, size etc and can vary from visit to visit and with our schedule for the day.  Therefore, we will not give you an exact time when your dog will be ready and are only able to provide approximations.  We do not arrange exact pick up times.

    Instead, we text to notify you as soon as your dog is close to being finished . If you need to leave your dog with us longer, please do let us know before your appointment day and we will do our best to accommodate if possible. We only have a small facility and may need to free up space for incoming dogs.

    Please do not call to see if your dog is done. Unfortunately stopping to constantly answer calls really slows us down and takes us away from the dogs. Similarly, if you turn up before your dog is finished, you will distract your dog. Making it anxious and stressed as it will only want to try to get to you. This makes it  extremely dangerous for the groomer and your dog as aiming at a moving target with sharp scissors and blades is a recipe for disaster! It will sometimes even make it impossible to complete the groom. We will often have to send them out uncompleted if this occurs.


    If you do need your dog finished by a certain time, please let us know at the time of making your booking. Please be advised we can not always cater to these requests. We cannot rush the grooming process as that is how accidents happen, we aim to avoid this at all costs! If you have plans or places to be it is sometimes best to organise your appointment for another day.

  • Can I stay while my dog is being groomed?

    No.  Firstly for insurance purposes we do not allow clients inside the salon.  Secondly your dog will be constantly trying to get to you and because he/she can't they will be extremely stressed, anxious and will not stay still. This makes the groom difficult and often impossible. Discuss any concerns you have with the groomer when you bring your dog in,  then quickly and fuss-free hand over your dog so they remain calm.


    If you prolong the drop off process, your dog will pick up on your anxiety and become more stressed. Most dogs suffer some degree of separation anxiety when mum or dad leaves them.  You would be surprised how quickly dogs settle down and are happy with their groomer after you leave - just like leaving kids at kindy! It is normal for some dogs to shake and tremble a little when they arrive. If you don't fuss, hand them over quickly and leave, you will help them settle and relax. We have many many doggie clients that come in, tails wagging, just about busting down the door to get in, without a second look back! 

  • Do you service XL size dogs?

    Unfortunately we no longer service XL dogs over 32kg as they cannot fit in our bath.  We only accept large dogs on a regular schedule as they take too much time out of our day and are a-lot of physical work for our staff if they are not properly maintained.

  • What if I don't like the groom when it's finished?

    Your satisfaction is very important to us! It is vital to book in the correct service and have an idea of what you would like done before you arrive at your appointment and do your best to describe it to us in detail, photos are a good help. If you notice something you would like addressed at pick up and one of our staff members are still in, they can often take care of it quickly for you prior to leaving. If you notice something after you leave, we ask that you give us a call within 24 hours. So we can arrange a time to tweak the groom while it is still fresh. We can also make note of any changes you might like applied for your next groom providing the dog allows it.

     We do not provide any refunds for services rendered under any circumstance. This includes change of mind/ if you didn't like something that you requested or was explained needed to be done by the groomer.

  • Do you offer discounts for multiple dogs?

    Sorry, we don't offer any discounts. Whether we groom 4 dogs from one home or 4 dogs from different customers, it still takes us the same amount of time. We have to charge accordingly for our time.

  • Do you do hand stripping?

    Yes, only for monthly clients.

  • Do you express anal glands?

    Yes, for an additional fee.

  • Do you groom cats?

    Unfortunately we are unable to groom cats.

  • Do I need to make an appointment for nail clipping?



  • What if my dog has fleas?

    We do not use anything that is potentially toxic or harmful to your dog. However if your dog presents with fleas, we will have no choice but to treat  your dog with a  flea tablet (to kill any active fleas and avoid the infestation of our salon) for an additional cost- this is non negotiable.  

    PLEASE NOTE; it is important to treat your dog with a preventative (monthly treatment orally or on the back of the neck) after their groom and treat their home environment, especially bedding, to break the flea breeding cycle. Or your dog will is likely to become re infested once they return home. The tablet we administer is not a preventative. We will not tolerate regular occurrences of fleas as we are not pest exterminators and it causes a lot of extra work for us to sanitise the salon, tools and prevent the fleas from spreading to other dogs in our care.

  • What products do you use?

    We use top quality USA imported show shampoos and conditioners. We can vary the shampoo depending on your needs. 

  • What if my dog is matted?

    Dogs that present with matts & knots close to the skin are basically impossible to have clipped with any length left on their coat. This is due to the pain and discomfort matting causes to your pets. We are left with ONLY one option, that is to clip the dog short all over. This is not not something we take pleasure in doing but is what is required when the dog is matted. The only way to avoid matts and knots is regular grooming and brushing (at home) in between visits OR coming in for more regular appointments. 

    We will discuss the best possible grooming regime & correct brushes that will suit your dog. Matting can cause severe skin irritations that you may be previously unaware of. Matts will remain very damp underneath if the dog becomes wet & not completely drying your dog off after a bath will make the matts worse. Additional costs will be added due to the time these take to remove matts and the wear and tear on our equipment.

  • Do you do scissor trimming?

    Yes we can do this, however trimming a dog all over with scissors takes a considerably long time and the dog needs to be used to this type of grooming. Charges will be applied accordingly and you will be charged at an hourly rate for this service. Some breeds cannot be all over scissor trimmed.

  • Will my dog be sedated?

    NEVER! We do not use any form of sedation in our salon, it is against Australian law, as we are not a veterinary clinic. If your dog requires sedation you MUST speak to your vet.

  • Will my dog be muzzled?

    If a dog shows any signs of fear or aggression, we will try to put a muzzle on them, for both their own safety and our staffs, to prevent accident and injury. 

    Some dogs however do not cope with being muzzled especially if it is their first time and those dogs who have some strength or are very determined can get out of the muzzle. If we cannot groom your dog safely it will be sent home.

  • How is my dog dried?

    We use professional quality high velocity dog dryers which pet safe and have a heat control to avoid overheating and becoming uncomfortably hot for your dog. All dogs are manually dried by hand by our team. 

  • Will my dog be put into a cage?

    Dogs will be placed into a crate while they are waiting for the groomer to be ready for them, or while they wait for their owner to return to pick them up. 

    During their visit the majority of time will be spent either in the bath, or with the groomer so the time spent in a crate is minimal. It is much safer for the dog to be in a crate, both for themselves, but also for our groomers. 

    Unfortunately dogs left to roam the salon are a trip hazard for our groomers. This can also put your dog at risk of being injured, stepped on or fallen on. It also protects them from other dogs. Some dogs are not dog friendly, which cannot always be predicted. Allowing each dog to rest in their own crate with a fluffy blanket makes them feel more comfortable and safe. 

    Our groomer will allow adequate time for your dog to be taken out on the grassed area outside for a toilet break. If your dog cannot be crated it will not be suitable to attend our salon


  • I don't know how my dog will behave & I'm worried!

    We are experienced in handling all dog types and personalities. 

    If you have concerns please address them with us and be honest about any behavioural issues your dog may have. We use positive reinforcement and regular grooming sessions to encourage acceptance and cooperation. We are firm and kind and take the time to make it as stress free as possible for the dog. We can give you an update on your dogs behaviour when they are being picked up and give you advice on helping them.   

  • How can I prepare my puppy for grooming?

    Brush your puppy at home regularly with a metal comb and a slicker brush. Reward them when they are well behaved. It is always a good idea to lift your puppy up onto a higher surface such as a table or washing machine. Only do this for 5-10 minutes at a time, so your puppy learns to accept the process. Touch their paws, face, nails and handle them on a regular basis so they are used to being touched. This is absolutely vital to your puppies socialisation and learning to accept the grooming process.


    If your puppy is a breed with a long coat that needs regular grooming. They will need to see a Groomer for the rest of their lives! So this is a very important time to get them familiar with this process. Dogs that are difficult to groom often cost a lot extra and some may even have to go to a vet for sedation (we do not provide this service) which is costly and stressful for yourself and your dog. Check out our resources section for more information.

  • When should I start having my dog groomed?

    As soon as your puppy is vaccinated, you should have it professionally groomed - usually within the first three months of it's life. Although they may not look like they need much of a 'haircut' this early.  You have to understand that there is a whole world of noises, handling and procedures in a grooming salon they need to get used to! Puppies should be groomed once a month for the first few months. This will allow shorter, less involved grooming sessions and gradually allow your pup to become accustomed to grooming learning it is an enjoyable experience instead of a traumatic one. Exposing your puppy as early as possible to experiences it is going to have for it's entire life is extremely important, so that grooming is a pleasant experience for the dog, groomer and owner.   Check out our resources section

  • How often should I start having my dog groomed?

    It depends on the breed of dog, type of coat and how long you'd like to keep the coat. Generally 3 to 6 weeks is ideal for maintaining the coat. . This is also ideal for short coated breeds to keep on top of shedding. Longer coats will require more regular appointments .The idea is to 'maintain' the coat, not wait until it is overgrown, matted and uncomfortable for the dog. 

    Pre-booking your dog's next appointment is strongly recommended to avoid having to wait for an available appointment when the dog needs it 'now'! Our regular clients always take priority.

  • How often should I brush my dog?

    Brushing is advisable at least 3 times per week to help keep coat clean and free of matts. Regular brushing removes debris, prevents tangling and stimulates healthy hair growth. Brushing is also a great bonding opportunity for you and your pet, allowing you and your pet quality time together. Your dog will also look and feel great afterwards and also remember to give them their favourite food or toy treat to make their grooming session fun! Check out our resources section

  • My dog doesn't like other dogs. Is that OK?

    Absolutely. All dogs are in separate enclosures. We take thorough precautions with all dogs to ensure dogs do not have any access to one another for fights/injury to take place. Please let us know upon booking your appointment.

  • My dog shakes when I bring them in. Does that mean they are scared or doesn't like the groomer?

    Not necessarily, he may just be anxious from the car ride, excited, or not sure where he is going. Some dogs just don't enjoy a disruption to their routine  especially if they are not groomed regularly. They will do anything they can to be back home on the couch with you. Much like kids in pre-school, once you are gone they do settle  and get comfortable, especially if they visit regularly as it starts to become part of their routine. 

    Dogs are creatures of habit and they desire routine. This is why we encourage regular visits to ensure your dog accepts the grooming process and is comfortable in our salon. 

    Dogs are very intuitive and will pick up any anxiety that you may be feeling, so it is important that you be calm and don't make a fuss over them and hand them over quickly at drop off.

  • Why does my dog shake their head after grooming?

    As part of the grooming process we may clean the ears and pluck hair from the ear opening  to allow air to flow more freely into the ear to keep it dry. After cleaning and removal of the ear hair, it can take the dog a little while to get used  to the feeling and they may periodically shake their head for a few hours after grooming.

  • Should I take my dog to the toilet before their appointment?

    Yes, in fact we encourage it. 

  • Why is my dog scratching itself after grooming?

    It is common for dogs to scratch after grooming - similar to us being itchy after shaving. Try to distract your dog from scratching if you can, as the more they scratch, the more they will itch and so on. Most importantly, don't panic as it is quite normal. Particularly young dogs who aren't yet conditioned to clipping will scratch. Clipper rash is quite common, especially in the groin area. It is much like sensitive skin in humans and it can occur randomly. If you notice your dog has become irritated in a certain area are concerned, please speak to us, we will advise you on further action for grooming going forward and how to avoid irritation of the area going forward.

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